Python 301

For ages 10 - 13
Sep 21 2024 - Jan 25 2025
Saturday 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (PST)
1975 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver
In the third level of coding Python in PixelPAD, students will build a fruit-slashing game inspired by the popular mobile game Fruit Ninja! Students will deepen their knowledge of programming concepts such as functions, if-statements and for-loops, learn to implement a more advanced physics and improve game appearance with high-level graphical techniques such as linear interpolation. Instructors aim to equip learners with independent and collaborative problem-solving skills so that students feel confident enough to code projects outside of class. Click here to see the Py301 sample project.

All 300-level students must be comfortable typing/using a computer.
Age: 10 - 13



Student Registration

First Name*:
Last Name:
Special Considerations:
Enroll Student
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